Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Body Butters and Hair Cuts

So clearly I love body butters, lotions, scrubs all of that fun stuff, I will not go into too much detail here, as I made a ten minute video just blubbering and yucking about how great they are and also about my mild obsession with Target, ok huge obsession. :) So after I filmed this, after having rubbed all of the lotions into my hands they were just greasy and soft and wonderful and then I washed them and my bubble was burst. So currently I am the middle of cutting my boys hair, so far one down, two to go, but I am procrastinating right now and blogging instead because after their haircuts, they have to get baths, and then fed and then the kitchen needs cleaned, do you see where I am going with this? Well my husband is looking at me and the baby will need fed soon, so off I go, thank goodness I have coffee. Wish me luck :)


  1. you seem really happy to be done being prego..... ;-)

    btw your make up and nails look awesome in this vid.

  2. Thank you! And yes I am happy for the most part sometimes I miss it and then other times I'm like glad I'm not fat anymore lol.
