Friday, March 13, 2015

A Unexpected Day

Yesterday was a very unexpected day in many ways, mostly all good, for starters I finally got my butt moving and made it to Bible Study in the morning. I haven't been to a Bible Study in a very long time, I am sad to say, and it was so refreshing. I so enjoyed being in the company of godly women, and challenging myself intellectually and spiritually, grown up talk doesn't happen too much when you are surrounded by little people. :) So after Bible Study we had to go run errands, and I decided to push my luck and go to two stores with all my munchkins in tow. So of course I went to Target first, we have already established my love for that store, we get a lot of our household supplies there, and also they have a lot of natural food there, which is surprising, so I always peek to see if they had anything new and of course they did and of course I had to try it, and we were out of coffee so I replenished our supply but I decided to splurge and got a bag of Starbucks and some K-Cups, but they were on sale so I mean I had to right? So after Target, we headed over to Sam's Club, where I again filled up the cart, with diapers, wipes, grapes, juice etc much to my husbands dismay ;). And it was at Sam's that a very unexpected event happened, I decided to get the kids a snack at the cafĂ© because they had been pretty good through our shopping excursion, but also because Momma was hungry!! So among other things, I got a frozen parfait for me and the boys to split, and as we were sharing it, one of the workers came up out of the blue and truly complimented the children and I, and it just really warmed my heart. As moms of 3+ children know, whenever you go out, you often get the "Wow! You have your hands full!" or the stares, especially if your two year old is throwing a huge scream fit like mine does frequently, or you get the "Wow! Are they ALL YOURS??" But you don't often get encouragement or compliments, so it was a really special rare occasion. So when I got home, the hubby was already home, and I just wanted to sit which worked out well since I had to nurse, but apparently he had a very slow day at work so the rest of the day, he basically took care of the boys and was on a cleaning spree, organizing and cleaning, it was awesome!! Well the kids are taking a nap so I should try to do at least one productive thing, hmm unloading the dishwasher counts right?

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