Sunday, February 15, 2015

Potty Training 2.0

So here I am potty training again, I have been avoiding this for far too long, but the kids are ready and its time to stop procrastinating. Now, I know potty training is no ones favorite, but I have especially been avoiding it, since my first experience with my oldest child was rather difficult to say the least. Although I am pleased to say that so far this experience is nothing like the first one, thank goodness!! My first child who is currently 6 who we will call the "Big Man" took three years to potty train, partially because I was inconsistent and partially because he was stubborn. Now I am training my two middle boys, my three year old who we will call "Little Elf" has really seem to take to it and is already asking to pee on the potty after only four days of really hardcore potty training. Now my two year old who we will call "Baby Boy" is not so enthusiastic, he will pee if you leave him on the potty for long enough and of course he wants treats and stickers, but I don't think he fully understands the whole concept of potty training. So this time I have taken a totally different approach to the whole potty thing, I let the kids run around in the buck and then when they started peeing on the floor we run to the potty, and in between that we went to the pot about every twenty minutes or so, so in the past couple days I have cleaned up a lot of puddles, thank goodness we have tile, and have gotten peed on, head butted, spit up on etc. Meanwhile my poor little girl, my four month old that we will call "Love Bug" has gotten hardly any attention, but she has been a trooper along with her older brother who is helping mommy and encouraging his siblings. Thank goodness daddy has had a four day weekend to help me and keep me sane and keep the momentum going!! See ya later Mr. Diaper!!


  1. where is potting training update?? It seemed like a suicide mission!!
